Bioventing, Technology that Clean Environment
In general, bioremediation is the process of cleaning contaminated soil, water, and other pollutants in our environment by using the microorganisms. Bioremediation was invented by George M. Robinson in the 1960s. There are many ways of bioremediation, one of which is bioventing. Bioventing is an in situ technology that stimulates microorganisms using addition of gas to degrade contaminants in the soil like petrochemical compounds including gasoline, fuel oil and asphalt. Bioventing involves gas into the unsaturated (chemical science) zone to increase the biodegradation of contaminants by microorganisms. The most common application of bioventing is to introduce air to increase the oxygen to stimulate biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. Other less common applications like anaerobic bioventing that to treat chlorinated ethenes have been reported in the literature.
The effectiveness of bioventing depends on the ability of microorganisms to decompose contaminants and to distribute oxygen in sufficient amounts. Bioventing technique is one of the efforts of in-situ bioremediation process that can be done on polluted lands in Indonesia. Bioventing works by the oxygen will be injected to the soil by air injection well, after that, the contaminants will be separated from the soil, extracted to the extraction well and the microorganisms will decompose the contaminants, then the volatile contaminants will be treated in the extraction well. Well of course Bioventing has disadvantages such as low-permeability soils because there are limitations in the ability to deliver oxygen to the contaminated soil, difficulty in developing a system design that can minimize environmental release and achieve sufficient aeration, and therefore sites with shallow contamination can pose a challenge to bioventing because operating the system in the extraction mode may circumvent the difficulty, bioventing will not stimulate contaminant bioremediation if the contaminated zone is aerobic. If a soil gas survey measures soil oxygen levels consistently above 2–5%, then the soil is sufficiently aerated for biodegradation to occur and oxygen is not limiting degradation. Bioventing will not enhance bioremediation in this situation, This situation is unusual and, if encountered, may indicate that some other contaminants, such as metals, are inhibiting degradation.
However, Bioventing has Advantages too, are, clean the environment, and speeds the process of bioremediation, since oxygen is most often the factor that limits the efficiency of microbial degradation. Bioventing uses air to clean up contaminants in the soil. Bioventing has successfully remediate soils contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons, some pesticides, wood preservatives, and other organic chemicals. Bioventing is an in situ bioremediation so, the contaminated material will be treated there. There are some things that can slow this process. Low temperature may slow this remediation. Low soil moisture can also decrease the effectiveness of this remediation. Bioventing is quite expansive to do. This is because it costs around $60-$709 per cubic yard.
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